Hello anyone who is still reading this blog!!! I hope you are still out there. I have fallen down on my blogging duties mostly due to being a tax preparer and it was a busy tax season!!!
But the book club has been meeting and I have neglected to report!!! For March we read "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo". Sigh...it was a very intense book for me. I loved the mystery of it and that there were many unexpected twists. They addressed alot of real issues that unfortunately are in many families and kept secret for years. Sexual abuse is often happening to those and by those whom you least expect. It was a little difficult for me to read about in a very graphic form.
The thing that stuck out to me the most is that we need to make sure we know that signs of sexual abuse, know who our kids are around and make sure we ask the right questions to make sure nothing is happening to them. It's not easy but more important than anything!!
For April/May we read "The Help". The book goes inside the lives of black maids and the women they work for at a time of the civil rights movement. "In Jackson, Mississippi, in 1962, there are lines that are not crossed. With the civil rights movement exploding all around them, three women start a movement of their own, forever changing a town and the way women--black and white, mothers and daughters--view one another."
I was appalled, entertained and proud as a read the powerful stories of the women of the south. I would highly recommend it as I could not put it down!! I will have more to report after our meeting on May 20th.